Configuring Deployment

Congratulations, your app is built and tested, now it's time to put it in front of your audience.

On the DEPLOY tab, you can SET the available options as follows:

Status Active/Draft. If in Draft status, a deployed application just won't display anything. It must be Active to show up on your website or direct/ours.
Auto-scroll to top Some applications may be longer and the submit button is way at the bottom. When going to another step in your app, you may find it useful to auto-scroll the host page to the top.
Use CAPTCHA protection For low traffic sites or on an intranet, an additional protection may not be necessary. However, to ensure no bots will try to game your app, we suggest to turn this on as necessary. Google will decide when your users' behavior is suspicious and they control when to show the challenge. If you wish to control the experience, you may build a custom security yourself easily within the app (e.g. ask the user a riddle etc).
Hide Qreli badge

Whether to show or hide the badge at runtime

Transient execution mode When selected, data entered will not be saved in Qreli; rather, it will be passed directly to your API services or used in calculations. There will be no data stored in your Deploy > View application page.
Deployed to URL If you wish to ensure that your app will only run at a specific location, you can enter the URL where it is being hosted here. If you leave it empty, you may deploy the app on multiple sites - we'll just not enforce any defined host.
Prefill data Check the in-depth Chaining Apps.
Organization domain If you wish to customize the domain your app runs from ( into (, you may do so here. If you are on a SCALE account, contact us to discuss a full domain customization, e.g.
Add this code to your webpage Just copy this code and embed it to your website. Just that - and it's done! Reload your webpage and you should see your app running there. While it runs on your site, you can edit it further from your Qreli account.
Single-page link If you don't have a website, or don't wish to go through the trouble of adding it to a page, you can send anyone a link to your app, and it will run on the full page (vs in the defined section you set for it on your own webpage).
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