Viewing Collected Data

Once an app has been deployed, clicking on its name on the Dashboard will take you to DEPLOY > VIEW.

The engagement metrics here are similar to the ones on the dashboard:

  • The left graph shows the app's impressions, runs, and completions
  • The middle graph shows the app's engagement metric run/impressions
  • The right graphs shows the app's avg duration (as a measure of engagement), or for workflows meant to complete, choose the completions/runs metric

Each run (session) will be shown as a row. Most of the rows will have a white background, representing real data. A row with a pink background indicates that it is a test run - this is also shown when you hover over it.

You may configure which data you wish to see by clicking on the Edit button:

To download the individual run (session) data, click on the corresponding CSV or JSON button.

To download all the collected data, click on the EXPORT button. Depending on the amount of data, it may take a bit - you may continue using the app and when the export is ready, it will automatically download.

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