
After you log in, you will be presented with your dashboard. It dynamically adjusts to reflect the current utilization and engagement for your apps.

On the menu bar at the top, there are three items of interest:

Sources. You will find here your APIs and Files, as well as browse the ones available to import from Qreli.

Styles. You can define global look-and-feel styles/themes that your apps will share. Of course, you can customize everything so your app fits perfectly in your design language.

Profile. You will find here information about your account, security, timeout, and subscription details.

You can start creating new apps by clicking on

To understand how your apps perform across the board - both utilization and engagement, you use the auto-generated graphs at the top, which are presented over 5 time periods: 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, 1 week, today.

There are two types of apps:

  • apps designed as a workflow that completes at some point / based on some conditions
  • apps that are not meant to complete - they may start over after completion, such as kiosk experiences

This graphs shows utilization:

  • Impressions: how many times they were shown
  • Runs: how many times your customers engaged with them; 1 run = at least an engagement
  • Completions: how many times your customers reached the end of the workflow (applicable for workflow apps only)

This graph shows engagement:

  • Runs/Impressions: how many times your customers interacted with your app, divided by how many times the app was presented to them

For workflow apps, this graph shows efficiency:

  • Completions/Runs: how many times your customers completed the workflow, divided by the number of times the app was run

For non-workflow apps, this graph shows engagement:

  • Avg Duration: the average duration, in minutes, that your customers interacted with your app

The bulk of your activity will be around accessing and managing apps using the table below the graphs. The table is both searchable and sortable, to help you quickly find the information you find. The most recently accessed app will be shown first.

You will access the apps for editing and review by clicking on their name.

If an app has been set to only run on a specific website, it will be shown here. Apps that don't have Location set (e.g. they can be run anywhere), do not have anything in this field.

How many times aps were shown, and how many times they were run - e.g. customers interacted with them.

After building an app, it is initially in Draft status. You can make it active by turning the status as such. An app in Draft status will not be shown.

You can perform certain operations on your apps:

  • Play: run an app in a new tab
  • Clone: clone an app (e.g. for A/B testing)
  • Clear data: clears all collected data - e.g. prior to going live, or as necessary
  • Delete: deletes an app

You will always have access to this documentation, contextually inside Qreli by clicking on the bottom right search button:

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