
Sources are data you will be querying and interacting with.

There are two sections:

  1. MINE (your data)
  2. LIBRARY (data we make available for easy import)

The data is further split into:

  1. API: whatever external services you wish to interact with
  2. FILE: tabular Excel/CSV data you wish to reference

MINE tab /API shows the APIs we registered in our account, and some information about them.

You can always add whatever API you wish, or import from a Postman collection.

LIBRARY tab /API shows APIs we made available so far; we will be adding a ton of APIs as we go along.

Each API has the following elements:

  • FUNCTIONS (how you interact with them)
  • AUTH (how you securely connect to them).
  • APPS (which Qreli apps are using them)

For non-public APIs, you would have to authenticate according to the respective service:

Furthermore, some APIs may require to connect to the service (oAuth - we will continue to add services to the library), or they may use an auth function:

Lastly, Files allow you to choose the columns you wish to map to variables, and manage updates:

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