Managing Your Subscription

In your profile at the bottom, you will find your subscription entitlement summary:

Click on MANAGE MY SUBSCRIPTION to review and adjust your subscription details.

A popup will appear showing your current level, account/payment information, addresses, and history. You will find your previous invoices in Billing History.

To make adjustments to your subscription plan - e.g. upgrade/downgrade, add extra apps as needed, click on your current plan:

Here, you may Edit/Pause/Cancel your subscription.

To add/remove extra app allowances, click on Add Addons.

Select the appropriate addon, and add one instance to your plan:

Then, choose how many app allowances you need (applicable for GROWTH and SCALE plans). Please note that GROWTH plan allows only up to 8 extra apps, whereas SCALE allows any amount over 5.

Once done, click Update Subscription and confirm the results:

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