Sending Data Elsewhere

Perhaps you are building a smart app that will act as a pre-processor for an existing workflow that you built with Zapier, Make, or something else.

Or perhaps you have an application that performs certain operations based on receiving some data via an event.

In such cases, you may send the data received and processed by your app elsewhere.

The primary way you would send the data is via webhooks.

You may send the data to multiple remote locations at once (multiple webhooks).

Data will be sent according to the flag Send incomplete data as follows:

  1. For applications that act as workflow (e.g. have one or more terminal steps), you may wish to set the Send incomplete data flag to OFF. That is, your data will be sent only upon the completion of the workflow.
  2. For non-workflow apps, or for workflow apps where you may wish to receive whatever intermediate data was produced, set the Send incomplete data flag to ON. The system will wait until a certain period of non-activity has occurred (min 5 min), after which it will consider the app ended and would send the data.

You may click on the three dots next to the trash can to configure which app data you wish to send:

We will demonstrate sending and receiving data using a simple receiver such as

Initially, there are no events received:

After the no-activity period passed, or if the workflow completes, you will begin receiving data:

We are currently working on a native Zapier integration as well, but it is not required to send data elsewhere (e.g. you can receive webhooks in Zapier).

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