Interactive Controls Overview

You will collect data from your audience and interact with them via interactive controls.

The way they look is determined by the Style applied to the app.

Furthermore, each control you add to your app has various properties you can set.

The most important properties for interactive controls are:

  • Label to display - what will be shown on-screen
  • Data field - the variable holding the data for this control, which you will use in calculations
  • Description (A longer description to display) - stores additional information about the element
  • Tooltip - specify a tooltip when the cursor hover over an element
  • Default/initial value - will be shown at runtime - a static or calculated value. If "Set to default on load" is set, then the control will always initialize to that value - e.g. empty or some content. By default, controls will maintain their previously entered value.
  • Masked - if you don't want to show the entry data on screen, e.g. passwords
  • Clearable - adds an x so it's easy to clear on mobile devices
  • Dense - removes padding to make the controls closer to each other
  • Validation - required, as well as other validation logic where applicable

If the control area has a blue dotted border around it, it means that it may accept variables that will be replaced with some value at runtime. For example, we could write ${V.location} below for "Label to display", which may be replaced at runtime with text in different languages etc.

An application combines these interactive controls, which can be divided into two categories:

  • Output - displaying information such as text, pictures, PDF files, etc.
  • Input - collecting information from your users

Output elements include:

  • Text label - display text information.
  • Text output - multi-line formatted text output.
  • PDF - output of PDF files
  • Table - shows information as a table
  • Media - output of pictures or video
  • Line, Separator - separating element
  • Grid - markup element
  • Embed - output of external resources

Input elements include:

  • Text Input, Num Input, Date, Time, Email, Name, Address, Phone - input fields for text, numeric and other information
  • Paragraph - multi-line text input
  • Link/Button - allows to specify a link to go to an external source, or to a step within the application
  • Checkboxes, Radio Buttons - group of controls
  • Dropdown - drop-down list of values
  • File Upload - allows the user to upload a local file
  • Slider, Rating - graphical representation of a number value
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