Interactive Controls TERMS ... GRID


This control shows your terms and conditions and enables your users to register their acceptance.


This controls enables the collection of numerical input by using a slider.

Additional settings are available in your chosen Style.


This controls enables the collection of rating as stars or other icons.

Additional settings are available in your chosen Style.


This controls enable the collection of your users' signature.


This control displays a line separator.


This control displays an empty vertical space as separator.


This control shows a complex gauge based on your dynamic data.

You can define the overall settings:

The number of segments and their appearance:

As well as the number of needles and their appearance:


This control enables the embedding of external content.


This control sets up the structure of containers on the page.

Actual controls are then placed inside these containers.

The Columns property allows the creation of different columns, optionally with min height:

The horizontal and vertical gaps between cells may be set up as follows:

When a cell is selected, there are additional properties available: size and offset (this moves the cell):

Furthermore, the content may be rendered as Column or Row, with various alignment selections:

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