Interactive Controls TABLE ... PHONE


Use this control to display information as a table.

This is a dynamic control, which takes as input a variable (the result of an API operation or a local array), and structures the display according to your requirements.

You start by entering the data provider:

Here is an example we will use to illustrate the concept:

Configure the individual columns you wish to show from the data:

In the example above (see also the first screenshot at the top of the page), we added a column called Party, which we allowed to be sorted and filtered. If you wish to force capitalization sensitivity on filtering, activate the Aa switch. You may choose to align both content and header. We display the information as is, without any changes.

Passing data from table cells and rows

We use the special keyword CELL (with two underlines before and after) to dynamically construct an HTML of an image output (see above).

We use the special keyword ROW (with two underlines before and after) to dynamically reference other data items in the same table row.

CELL (with two underlines before and after) holds the dynamic value of the field in Data path.

ROW (with two underlines before and after) holds the dynamic value of some field in the same row.

Likewise, we can show a link in a few ways:

  • By using the Text library with a link decorator:

  • By constructing a URL in HTML:

Besides Formula, there are other ways to present dynamic links:

Using Go to Step allows to go to another step, where you may do additional processing/compute and come back or continue on another branch of your flow.

Using the Modal Link, you can show an overlay of the URL (it could also be another Qreli app). Please remember that you can construct deep-links inside a Qreli app by passing the data in its initialization URL — consult Deployment tab for this feature, where there is a construct that allows you to build such deep links.

Please note that not all websites allow themselves to be embedded inside other apps. is one such websites - hence, no content is shown below.

Using Modal Step Link, you can pass one or more variables to another step, where you may conduct further calculations, and show some specific information.

Refer to the Clinical Trials screenshots at the beginning of this page for the following explanations.

We define an Actions column, in which show a More link. When clicking on the More link, we will pass the dynamic value CELL as an id to a different step (Details + API pull).

On that step, we perform some calculations - e.g. get details of the specific id clinical study:

Here is the result when a More link is clicked for some row:

In the context of table data, __ROW__ means row number (type: Number):

${V.VARIABLE}{[__ROW__].item}  - to get item #ROW from a table data

For example, below we retrieve the name, instructions, and the first tool type from the data schema:

Finally, we can style our table however we wish:


This control enables the collection of dates.


This control enables the collection of time.


This control enables the collection of email.


This control enables the collection of First and Last names together.

Of course, you could create individual First Name and Last Name individual text fields as desired.


This controls enables the collection of a generic/global address.


This controls enables the collection of a US address.


This controls enables the collection of a phone number.

The phone input may be formatted as needed:

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